Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to keep guys in line.............

Recently, our youngest daughter brought a guy when she stopped to get something out of our freezer.
He came in, and was nice and seemed confident enough even being here for the first time.
What he didn't know, until they got in her car to leave, kind of scared him.
You see, I have 3 grave markers lined up neatly against the fence.
He looked a little confused, daughter said, and said 'Wooooo, is that what I think it is?' 
She started laughing, and told him yes, it was grave markers, but that isn't where the graves are.
What she should have told him was that was her last 3 boyfriends, that treated her bad, and mom buried them there.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Who's Rose?

Yes, I know I signed the last post with the name Rose.   I used to be Rose in another life, when MSN had groups. I pull her out of the closet every so often, just to keep her active. I changed my 'moniker' several times during the 7 or so years I was in MSN groups.  And with most of them, I had an email acct  under the same name...Rose is the only one I still bother to keep active. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rain fell from the sky

We were desperately in need of rain, and all day yesterday we were teased with a few drips and drops then the sun would pop out.  About 8:00 PM there was some thunder, there was a bit of water dripping off the house, then it quit.  I just prayed and went to bed at 10:00pm.  I woke during the night, and thought I heard water dripping, so got up to check, and we were getting a decent shower.  Thank you, Lord, for your blessing of the rain.  And it is raining again, right now.  Now, if I had the day off, I'd grab a good book, and head to a cozy place, for a day of reading, but my bosses say I can't take the day off, and the only reading I will get done is a few emails.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Down Memory Lane

Just a few years ago, this little fella came into my life
and now he is over 11 years old.
At 1 year, he was attacked by a huge rottie, so
he doesn't get along well with big dogs.
But he loves kittens, would play with them and bathe them,
Sadly, he is allergic to cats, lol.
We discovered this, when we got another dog who isn't
cat friendly, and they can no longer come into the fenced yard,
that is when he quit having alergy problems.

Doesn't this just give you a warm feeling?
Reminds me of all the drawings my daughters did, when
they were young.  And the coffee table that ended up with
oil paints all over it, when they did those paint by numbers pictures.
And you know how everyone is wearing feathers and tensile in their hair?
Granddaughter wanted some, but we didn't have a place to get them right then.
These were from a Northern Flicker, who fell victim to a cat
so with a little 'sanitizing' we then temporarily put them in her hair, just to keep her entertained
while the weather was so hot.  She now has  pink and teal feathers in her hair.
She also put some in my hair, lol, lots of pulling and twisting, only to have them fall out about
an hour later..
Granddaughters are great to have around, entertaining, and always wanting to give you a manicure or a pedicure, and a new hair do...I draw the line at scissors, though.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Independence Day America

I hope everyone has a
safe and wonderful weekend.
I plan on sticking close to home, except for Sunday morning
when we will be at church, listening to a group called

 I understand they are quite good.
The 2 other times I've attended a singing like this, there was standing room only. So that is what I am expecting on Sunday.

After the morning service, we will be having a cookout at church for everyone who wants to stay. 
Hamburgers and hotdogs,prepared by the guys. 
potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans and desserts prepared by the best cooks in our state...
My dessert is going to be
for those that are diabetic, and can't eat the
other desserts.
I've invited several family members
and I hope all of them attend.