This afternoon, I had a message from my daughter in law, asking about Christmas Gift plans. Several years ago, we all made the decision to purchase only for the 'kids' in the family, since none of us enjoyed shopping that much, and none of us have an unlimited supply of money. She left a message asking if that was still the plan. I called her, and when she answered, I told her no, the plan had changed, that this year, everyone was supposed to buy 'hubby and me' the gifts, instead of the kids. We had a great laugh about it.
The only thing I miss about giving each other gifts, is the unique way we had of of playing tricks on each other. There is the year that we opened and washed a Campbells soup can, without damaging the label, and put a gift card in it, weighted the can,and glued the bottom back on. When daughter in law unwrapped the package, she sat there with the strangest look on her face, but was afraid to say anything, I'm sure she thought she'd gotten the gag gift of the year. We finally quit laughing, and told her open the can by popping the top. After we showed her the glued on bottom, I'm sure she used the same gag on someone else.
About 12 years ago, at an auction, I ended up with with a 'velvet painting' in some other things I bought.
My son in law commented that 'it may be valuable', of course he was joking, but I went along with it, and laughed. But there was a seed planted in my mind, so on Christmas, I got a beautiful roll of wrapping paper, and some heavy cardboard. I wrapped that terrible picture up really really well, lots of tape, and with beautiful ribbon bows.I'd never pulled that kind of gag on him before, so son in law started ripping paper to get to the 'good stuff'. You should have seen his face, when he realized the gag I'd pulled on him, in front of the whole family.
Since that time, you never know when that picture is going to show up again. We used it, with a nice gift card to Lowes, attached to the back, when youngest daughter purchased her house. I received it last, for Mother's Day a year or so ago, but grandson almost let the cat out of the bag, when he said something about a picture. It is hanging in my back room right now, waiting for the day when everyone has forgotten about it, so it can be brought out again, for other's viewing pleasure.
Several people who know this story, always ask who got the picture this year.
So, do you have any special traditions in your family?
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