I really think you can stick a fork in it, it's done.
I hope I've got all the emails changed and if not, then I'll reregister.
My friend's divorce is final, she hasn't been on a 'date' in several years, but she is going out on her first, this weekend. She is a tiny bit nervous, but her friends are 'talking her through it'.
Another friend, after 4 years widowed, has met a man, and hopes he will pop the question on Valentines Day. I've yet to meet him, told her she had to let me meet him before she got real serious. Harold would probably have a fit, knowing she's not gone out, until now. Sandy is now 56, Harold died at 53 of brain cancer. I'm very happy for her, so are Harold's parents, We ate lunch with them, today, and they support her completely in her decisions.
Oh well, I got off on a topic that may not be a cheerful one for some, but that's life.
That is life, indeed...and what WAS the topic? hahaha...Love you! Diana