Monday, April 4, 2011

Double digit grandson

Yes, it finally happened, grandson #1 turned 11 this Sunday, we celebrated on Saturday with his final birthday party.  His mom told him that from now on, he could invite a couple of friends over, and do something, but no more 'parties'.

He traded in his 1/2 size guitar for a 3/4 size on Friday. They had planned to get a used one, but by the time he decided to trade, the used one was gone.  So, $300 later, he is now the owner of a brand new Canadian made guitar.  At the shop, while trying it out, the owner asked who was giving him lessons. When he discovered he was not taking lessons, but had picked most of it up on his own, in one year, he told them that will lessons, he would be on a world tour soon.  Lessons start soon.

A bit of a funny story that happened at the party. A couple and their 2 children, aged 6 and 2 arrived, parked next to the fence at the park, and the little kids went to play on the teeter totter, jungle gym and other things. Someone asked where is Shawn, the 2 year old, and they thought he was with the other kids, but no one could spot him, So, father took off one direction, to see, Brian, another, and the mother was about beside herself.  I mentioned I hadn't seen him, then it occurred to wife that she hadn't either, Brian goes to the car, and there he sits, still waiting to be allowed out of the car. It was only about 5 minutes, but still, the poor little boy was quite mad.  lol. Needless to say, the father took quite a ribbing about it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh- I'll bet everyone's heart was in their mouth for a moment until they found him. Scary!!

    Congrats on your grandson turning DOES that happen? I am glad he is going to take lessons. My son taught himself to play early on too...and then took some lessons. he traveled with a band for a year or so until he got tired of the road life. xxoo Diana
