Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to keep guys in line.............

Recently, our youngest daughter brought a guy when she stopped to get something out of our freezer.
He came in, and was nice and seemed confident enough even being here for the first time.
What he didn't know, until they got in her car to leave, kind of scared him.
You see, I have 3 grave markers lined up neatly against the fence.
He looked a little confused, daughter said, and said 'Wooooo, is that what I think it is?' 
She started laughing, and told him yes, it was grave markers, but that isn't where the graves are.
What she should have told him was that was her last 3 boyfriends, that treated her bad, and mom buried them there.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Who's Rose?

Yes, I know I signed the last post with the name Rose.   I used to be Rose in another life, when MSN had groups. I pull her out of the closet every so often, just to keep her active. I changed my 'moniker' several times during the 7 or so years I was in MSN groups.  And with most of them, I had an email acct  under the same name...Rose is the only one I still bother to keep active. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rain fell from the sky

We were desperately in need of rain, and all day yesterday we were teased with a few drips and drops then the sun would pop out.  About 8:00 PM there was some thunder, there was a bit of water dripping off the house, then it quit.  I just prayed and went to bed at 10:00pm.  I woke during the night, and thought I heard water dripping, so got up to check, and we were getting a decent shower.  Thank you, Lord, for your blessing of the rain.  And it is raining again, right now.  Now, if I had the day off, I'd grab a good book, and head to a cozy place, for a day of reading, but my bosses say I can't take the day off, and the only reading I will get done is a few emails.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Down Memory Lane

Just a few years ago, this little fella came into my life
and now he is over 11 years old.
At 1 year, he was attacked by a huge rottie, so
he doesn't get along well with big dogs.
But he loves kittens, would play with them and bathe them,
Sadly, he is allergic to cats, lol.
We discovered this, when we got another dog who isn't
cat friendly, and they can no longer come into the fenced yard,
that is when he quit having alergy problems.

Doesn't this just give you a warm feeling?
Reminds me of all the drawings my daughters did, when
they were young.  And the coffee table that ended up with
oil paints all over it, when they did those paint by numbers pictures.
And you know how everyone is wearing feathers and tensile in their hair?
Granddaughter wanted some, but we didn't have a place to get them right then.
These were from a Northern Flicker, who fell victim to a cat
so with a little 'sanitizing' we then temporarily put them in her hair, just to keep her entertained
while the weather was so hot.  She now has  pink and teal feathers in her hair.
She also put some in my hair, lol, lots of pulling and twisting, only to have them fall out about
an hour later..
Granddaughters are great to have around, entertaining, and always wanting to give you a manicure or a pedicure, and a new hair do...I draw the line at scissors, though.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Independence Day America

I hope everyone has a
safe and wonderful weekend.
I plan on sticking close to home, except for Sunday morning
when we will be at church, listening to a group called

 I understand they are quite good.
The 2 other times I've attended a singing like this, there was standing room only. So that is what I am expecting on Sunday.

After the morning service, we will be having a cookout at church for everyone who wants to stay. 
Hamburgers and hotdogs,prepared by the guys. 
potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans and desserts prepared by the best cooks in our state...
My dessert is going to be
for those that are diabetic, and can't eat the
other desserts.
I've invited several family members
and I hope all of them attend.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Some days, I feel like I'm doing well on forgivenss of those that have wronged me, other days, I still want a chance to slap them upside the head and ask WHY.  It is a true struggle for me, and i wonder if it is as much a struggle for others.

An update on the date post...It seems that youngest grandson and his 'girl' held hands all through the movie..
How cute! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Date,

Do you remember your very first date?
Who was the guy/girl?  First names only, don't want to get any people upset.
Actually, I don't remember my very first date, can't remember who the lucky guy was, isn't that terrible?
Maybe I can explain that a bit better, I don't know if going bicycle riding as a group, when asked by a guy to join the group, was a date, or if being invited to go riding on the motor bike would be considered a date. 
Same guy...
Anyway, this isn't about me.
Today my grandson had his first date to the movies with a girl.
Actually there were 3 girls, his mom, his date's mom, and then the
girl he is dating.  You see, they are 8 years old, so neither was able to drive today.
He was so excited at church this morning, he also asked his 2 cousins to go with them, they are 8 and 11.
He told them that he couldn't sit with them, though, because he was sitting with his girl friend.
In case you think this is a sudden thing, she invited him to her birthday party about 3 months ago, wasn't going to invite another boy, until her mom explained it might be best to have another one there, so she invited one more..
I'm thinking 4 or so months 'liking' each other at 8 years old, is a pretty steady relationship, but we haven't rented tuxes yet.

And now for the next story...
Other daughter went grocery shopping Friday afternoon.
Hadn't been inside her vehicle since, until she got ready to go to church this morning.
Seems someone forgot to get a large package of chicken out of the back,
so the car was quite aromatic to say the least. 
She fumagated the kids and herself before going into the church,
after driving with the windows down to get there.
I asked her if the car was for sale, cheap, today.
She sprinkled baking soda in the back.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

12 minutes and 25 minutes........

Second Grandson is here this morning, he has a standing order for homemade biscuits and southern gravy, which involves either bacon or sausage crumbled into the mix.. I walked into the kitchen at 7:35am, pulled out the flour and the shortening, and made biscuits, sliced some sausage, and got it cooking, then pitched the biscuits into the oven.  It took 12 whole minutes, from the time I walked in until I was back in my computer chair, waiting to hear it start sizzling.  Now I'm waiting on the smoke alarm to go off, signaling that the meat is done, and I'll mix up the gravy, fix hubby a couple of eggs, and put on my french maids uniform to serve it.  I would don my waitress outfit, but the only tip they ever leave is dirty dishes, and tell me to make a bigger pan of gravy next time.

20 minutes after setting the food on the table, it is now mostly consumed, and I've heard no complaints.

You've heard the You Might Be a Redneck jokes, I'm sure.   I used to have a shirt that said: "You might be a Redneck if your Dog doubles as your dishwasher".   I paid more for that particular tee shirt than any other I have owned.  Even the mayor of the town about 10 miles away stopped me in a store, and asked where I'd found it, he wanted one for himself.   Anyway the dishwashers are under the table, waiting impatiently to get to work, so I better get into the kitchen and clean off the table before they decide to wash it...their dishes are waiting for their share of the leftovers, the dogs like my cooking, too.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do Obituaries strike you as funny?

I'm not talking about people dying being funny, I'm talking about the way that obituaries are written these days.  Or at least in our part of the south..

I remember in the 'olden days' that an obituary listed name and age of the person who passed away, his parents and siblings, his wife, children, and sometimes grandchildren, location of the funeral and the dates, who was conducting the service, and the name of the cemetery.  That is it...

Today I read the local obituaries, and discovered that Robert E. Lee has passed into heaven, where his mom and dad, Robert Michael and Minnie Keller Lee were waiting with open arms.  Along with his grandparents, great grand parents, and a dog and a couple of cats.  They will all be waiting for his wife, Mary Beth, and 3 children, Robert E Lee Jr, Marcus Ambrose Lee and Martha June Lee to join them for a family hug... He will also be waiting for his coon dog and his best friend, Bubba.

Yes, I did elaborate a bit more than the original obituary, but not a lot...I'm serious, I've read some really out there obits lately, since my friend, Mary, started making books of them....She's on book 9 at this time.

Maybe I should write my own, make it short and sweet, anyone want to help.....

Monday, June 20, 2011

OKIE DOKE, if that's the way you want to play...

I took out a new credit card recently, had an issue when I applied, they didn't think it was 2 old foogies applying... Then I finally convince them that I am who I say I am, and get the card, only to end up with some stupid charge that isn't mine, first thing, got that one removed, and told them no, neither of us had purchased anything from the Apple Store, I bought my apples locally, lol. 

I get my bill this month, that charge is back, I call the card company again, and find that Apple is still trying to charge  stuff to my card, along with the other web charge.  Well they finally launched a fraud investigation, canceled those cards, and will issue more... One charge on them that isn't mine, and I'm canceling the cards, and won't take any more from this company.

Then doctor ordered hubby new glasses, or was supposed to, when he was there in May.  No glasses, so I call today, and somehow, they didn't get ordered, hubby wanted darker colored lenses....but that won't happen, since they reordered the same old ones he already has....Oh well, free is free.

Some days it don't pay to get outta bed....then other days, you should crawl under the bed...

Isn't it funny how some kids take their looks after the wrong parent....
I mean, the little girl that is the spitting image of her dad, who may be a decent looking man, but sure doesn't make a pretty little girl...I know a couple who have two little girls who are their dad made over, down to the high hair line. and the big ears...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To be or not to be....

Today is one of those days when my brain feels full of cotton batting, and doesn't work really well. 
Hopefully no one will ask me to do any serious thinking, or cook anything slightly complicated.
I'm a little frustrated, as I had planned on doing some things today, but they will wait til a 'clearer day'.

Praying about a situation, and asking God to make clear the path that should be taken. He's been pointing the way for me, pretty clearly lately, so I hope this one also has a definate answer, even if it is a year or so in the making. 

Granddaughter just came into house with one of the 'wild' kittens.  She has the patience it takes to stand and wait and watch, until she gets them to trust her enough to pick them up.  At barely 8, that is a gift.  Most kids that age don't have that kind of patience.
Taking the grandkids to get an eye exam today, and to a Radio Disney program at the library.  With the heat and humidity, there isn't much they can do outside, so I thought this should keep them busy for a couple of hours.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June and no June Bugs

I guess they'll show up in July. 

I signed out of this account, and couldn't get signed back in, so I couldn't post, and now today it is working.
Our Memorial Day was great, had a cookout, and got a chance to visit with some family we don't see often.

Now the weather has turned HOT HOT HOT, and our power went off for a couple of hours today.

School ended for the grands today, so all are out for the summer. I suspect that I'll get a lot of time with them, while other grandparents take some time off.   I'm setting some new rules as older grandson seems to think he can do whatever he wants, I caught him with the video camera the last time he was here. Give him an inch, and you know the rest of that story.

This is a pair of ringnecked doves that visit often
they don't seem to be fearful of me.
Hoping they nest and give us more visitors for next year.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Muggy Mondays

And a few short 'stories' to go along with it.

We have a small weenie dog, who has a favorite spot in a chair, which just so happens to belong to 'daddy'.
'Daddy' will walk up to the chair, look at him real cross, and say "Get out of MY chair" to which Buddy just ignores him.  So then he says "Scoot over then", and Buddy will scrunch up against one arm of the chair, and pull his legs up, until 'daddy' gets set down, then he repositions himself comfortably and goes back to sleep.

Last night at church, a 2 1/2 year old, who puts on a show almost every Sunday, came to sit with my grandson, who was sitting beside me. She looked at me, and said, "What yo name? So I told her.  A minute later she again asked 'what yo name?  I told her again, she looked at grandson and said "yo mimi!" Surprised him, that she knew I was his Mimi. Then she said she needed to go to bathroom, and mom is across the building, looking the other direction, so I took her hand and followed her out, and to the bathroom.  She was really wanting to see where her friend, Shaun had gone, but he was headed to the bathroom with his mother, so we all strolled into the ladies room together.   She told me I was to stand 'there' and pointed to the side of the commode, so I held her up, and she did her thing.  What surprised me, she doesn't know me, except to see me in church, so I was not sure what to expect.  When we walked back in, her mom was watching, so I gave her a thumbs up, and then after church, talked to her. 

8 year old granddaughter and her older brother were talking, he was worrying about something, probably tests this week.  She told him that he didn't have anything to worry about until he got real old, like 20 or something.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Maybe I need a change

Though I'm not sure what it would be.
I'm stuck on florals right now, and can't seem to get excited about doing soap.
I've decided that I'm going to take a break from reviewing books, because I feel that I'm burning out.  I still like to read, but I seem to want to read what I want, not what I'm sent, lol.
Talked to my 'adopted' mom today, she calls me a couple of times a week to make sure all is well here.

I've been taking lots of photos and I'm working on doing something different with them.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another week, another memory

We drove up to the cemetery where hubby's mom is buried yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful day, but chilly for our area at this time of year. 
My mother in law was one of the kindest, sweetest people that God ever put on this earth.  I never met her until after we were married, and I thought she might have issues with that, but her opinion was, if her son was happy with me, then she loved me for making him happy.  I only knew her for about 3 1/2 years, before she passed away at 65 years old. Never in that time did she ever speak a cross word to me, she was my buddy, my traveling companion, and my friend.   Neither of my daughters were born, before she passed away, so they never had the pleasure of meeting her.  But they both know what a great person she was, from what others have to say about her.  38 years later, I still miss her. Rest in Peace wonderful lady.  Everyone should have a mother or mother in law just like you. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all who visit.
I hope that each of you had the kind of mother that
thought you hung the moon.
For you, your memories will always be with a smile.
And for those of you who had a mother that was not that kind, try to remember one good time, that you shared, and do your best to not be one of those mothers.

I'm one of those, who has a hard time remembering
very many good and loving times with my mom.
No matter how hard I tried, I never measured up.
But, I can remember a couple of good memories, that I hold.

Maybe this isn't what you expected as a mother's day tribute, but I won't paint a rosy picture, just because.
I am one of those that 'tells it like it is.'

Happy Mother's Day!
Ramblin Rose

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Not your typical Easter Visitor

I rescued an Easter visitor today, but it wasn't exactly a bunny rabbit.
I'd just put lunch on the table, and all of a sudden Flash the wonder dog treed something in the yard. As I went to see what it was, Huckleberry Hound ran out the door, and before I could get to the steps, they were on either side of this thing on the ground, and were about to attack.  I grabbed the shovel, and got between them and the thing, and eased it toward the fence, while putting the shovel between whichever dog was closer.

Finally, we made it to the fence, and made it through while still trying to keep the dogs from grabbing it's tail.
Here is
Easter Rescue
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Isn't it beautiful?
It is a 4+ ft long
Speckled King Snake,
handy to have around.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A little excitement in the neighborhood

Last night, about 8:30pm we had an attempted break- in.  Our large dog that is outside wanted inside really bad, and was standing on his hind legs raising heck, barking and howling. 
Hubby went to door to see what his issue was, and said there are vehicles in the road, talking.  Looking north, we saw 2 fire trucks, and more vehicles.   Now, we'd heard no sirens, no commotion at all, and the front door had been open to let in the fresh air, all evening.  I've never know our fire dept to come in silent, no matter the time of day or night. 
Anyway, the old trailer across and a little north of us, was on fire.  It's been empty since the guy got sent up for a 2nd or 3rd time for dealing drugs from there.
I don't know if he is still in jail or not, but I suspect that someones meth lab blew up last night.  The old trailer is now well ventilated, and will probably collapse at the first good wind.  Someone told daughter this morning, that it was too bad it wasn't the other one in the neighborhood that is still being used. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Double digit grandson

Yes, it finally happened, grandson #1 turned 11 this Sunday, we celebrated on Saturday with his final birthday party.  His mom told him that from now on, he could invite a couple of friends over, and do something, but no more 'parties'.

He traded in his 1/2 size guitar for a 3/4 size on Friday. They had planned to get a used one, but by the time he decided to trade, the used one was gone.  So, $300 later, he is now the owner of a brand new Canadian made guitar.  At the shop, while trying it out, the owner asked who was giving him lessons. When he discovered he was not taking lessons, but had picked most of it up on his own, in one year, he told them that will lessons, he would be on a world tour soon.  Lessons start soon.

A bit of a funny story that happened at the party. A couple and their 2 children, aged 6 and 2 arrived, parked next to the fence at the park, and the little kids went to play on the teeter totter, jungle gym and other things. Someone asked where is Shawn, the 2 year old, and they thought he was with the other kids, but no one could spot him, So, father took off one direction, to see, Brian, another, and the mother was about beside herself.  I mentioned I hadn't seen him, then it occurred to wife that she hadn't either, Brian goes to the car, and there he sits, still waiting to be allowed out of the car. It was only about 5 minutes, but still, the poor little boy was quite mad.  lol. Needless to say, the father took quite a ribbing about it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Uptown? yes we are!

You know that you are uptown when you have a closed circuit security system hooked up and 3 'guards' checking the video. 
My hubby is an electronics nut, and if it is cheap, he'll buy 3 of them, to have spares.  At an auction last weekend, he bid on, and purchased 4 video cameras and a complete monitoring system, having no clue if they worked.
Well, today, grand kids are here, and they sent me to the store for gas for the 4 wheelers. While I was gone, a whole 10 minutes, they took over my garage, set up 2 cameras, and were watching traffic pass, and the dog pen by the time I returned.  I think they now have the bird feeder and the cats watched, with the other two cameras. I had to park outside when I got back...
If you need a monitoring system, and people to watch, while you are on vacation, I'll rent them all out for a good price, plus food.  They like to eat, and they like to eat often, by the way.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reconnecting with Relatives

I used to be a real genealogy nut, researching the lines and always on the hunt for new family.  I met a descendant of my great great grandfather, who suprisingly only lives about 40 miles away, and we visited, and shared information.  He was still teaching at that time, and I was tending the grandkids, so, even though we didn't actually lose complete contact, we were out of touch.  With the new, higher speed internet, I kind of did some surfing, and found 'Danny's' new email address.  It bounced...but he had posted his new phone number, so I called him, and we talked about 30 minutes.  He gave me some new information on a brother of my great grandmother, and I shared a couple of names with him. He's found the location of a couple of graves that had been 'lost', and I offered to donate toward putting markers there, so they won't be lost, again.

These are the things I missed doing,while caring for others. And though I am sorry things happened as they did, and they got themselves in the fix they are in, with their caregivers, I no longer am devastated. I can go back to my life, without feeling I've abandoned them, and someone else gets to deal with it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What's going on in your world?

There isn't a lot going on in mine, right now.
So, what is going on where you are?

We bought a new DVD player yesterday.
Lets see, in the last 2 months, there has been the
new satellite internet,the new router and dongle, and now the new
DVD player.  That is not including the new toys that dh has purchased
for his recording of his music. EBAY, you'll be the reason we go broke, lol.

I bought some green roses, yes, green...I've seen some great arrangments
done with those bright green and orange flowers, but I'm still looking at
these, trying to decide what to do with them.  I know I'll eventually
use them, but for the moment, I'll just stare at them occasionally
and wonder what was I thinking? Neon lime Green, really? 
What was I thinking!  Can you see those on a casket,
or on a saddle, attached to the headstone?

Yes, I know I'm rambling, that is why I'm known as
Ramblin Rose....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3/3/11 and all is well

Lazy Lazy Lazy, that is my only excuse for not writing anything in a few days. 
Hubby and I went to an auction on Saturday, and I bought 2 boxes of books.  One had a book on the Bible, similar to what I'd loaned out, and it was never returned.  The other box had some interesting subjects, Weeds of Arkanas, being the one that caught my eye.  There are weeds in there I thought were
Then I went to the place where I buy silk floral supplies and spend about $57.00 on greenery.  I have enough flowers to make several large arrangements, but I needed more 'green'.

I got a call from my aunt yesterday, could I come over and put some arrangements together for her, she has the flowers.
I told her that I'd be happy to do it.  I would do it for nothing, because she is a wonderful person, but she won't take 'free'.
She is 91, and still lives alone.She's stood behind me though all the troubles with mom, and will tell anyone that she knows the truth, whether they like it or not.  As I said, a very wonderful friend, and aunt.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

OOPS, so I missed a week

It has been an interesting few days, with router problems, and trying to get the 2nd computer set up and adjusted to this internet.
It's done now, but lets just ay that I hope not to have to listen to the 2nd chair
telling me that I don't know squat.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Musings

Yes, I know that it is the 15th, and Valentine's Day is over.   My musings will be about what the day means to different people.
I remember about 18, how I wished my friend would buy me candy, like the boyfriends and hubbys of my coworkers.
At 20, the friend I had then, did buy me a big box of candy, and I kept the box for years, even though he and I broke up shortly after Valentine's Day.

Shortly after I married, I realized that I'd gotten another one of those that didn't purchase roses, candy or other trinkets for me, on Valentines..But he made up for it in other ways, and over the years, he's been known to surprise me, a diamond or two here or there. 

If you know me, you'll know I don't like big stones, I've ruined many sweaters and other things with a ring that stands up too tall to suit me.  I have a 'smoke diamond', which is not a real diamond, but most people can't tell the difference, which is large, and catches everything.   My wedding band is a simple gold band, with alternating rows of small diamonds and sapphires, which I picked out, and then showed it to him.  The first ring he bought me, was a wide gold band, with a jade band centered in it.  I broke it when I was in an accident, and though the company replaced it, the new one didn't fit.  The 2nd ring he bought me, is a 12 stone diamond band, which I also picked out..He didn't like it all that much, but, he waited several months, then surprised me with it for my birthday.  He likes the larger stones, lol.  He has learned though, that if I like it, I'll wear it, if not, it sets in the box.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cardinal on the feeder

I love 'shooting' birds, some of my favorite photos
are of birds of almost any kind.
I also love old buildings, and
flowers, too.

These are some from the past couple of years.
I hope to get lots more in 2011.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Robins Egg Blue and Cardinal Red

I see birds, mostly Cardinals, but there are some little gray birds that are giving the Cardinals fits.
They won't leave the feeders even when they are chased.  They may be small, but they say they are not about to let that big red bully have all the peanut butter and bird seed. 
Also, there is a squirrel trying his best to get the feeder door open, to carry off the cakes. 
Me, I'm waiting for this, which will be about 3 months from now, when the Robins  and Cardinals
are nesting
and spring is in the air.  I actually took this photo with the camera held over the nest, and I couldn't see what I was getting.  I'd held a mirror over the nest and saw that one of the 3 eggs had hatched.
It isn't the best picture in the world, but it is a sweet little robin just out of the shell.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm just wondering; do you think that I might get a great  Valentine's gift this year..I'd love a new computer, this one is at least 8 years old, it works pretty good still, and it was high end, when it was bought..But on the other hand, technology has changed a lot since this was built. 
If that isn't possible, I want a new monitor...
I don't need chocolate, I don't want roses,
just give me a new toy, please...
Yes, hubby would give me a new computer, he's even mentioned it, himself.  And in a few months, when I get a few things done on the house, I'd buy one.  But just in case that Cupid is cruising the blogs, looking for someone who would not want chocolate and roses, maybe he'll leave one here, just like Santa at Christmas.

A girl can dream, can't she...???!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It was a no go

on the computer issue.  I got the anti virus deleted, and then reinstalled, but then it would not could be that the dialup was too slow, I don't know.  Now that phone line is gone, I had it shut off at the end of the billing cycle, so I now have to get it set up to the new system, before I can try again.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things are lookin up................

I haven't thought of you in days...
Remember that song?
Probably not, since I'm a country nut, and I'm sure you are more into classical, head bangin, or hard rock...

I had computer issues last week on the other computer...Thought I got it all fixed, then found that something had currupted my virus program.  After 4 days of trying to fix it, I finally said a prayer over it, and sent it to 'currupted program Heaven', and am now looking for a new one.  I'm hoping the next one isn't such a resource hog, that thing had something like 85.4 mgb of harddrive in it's grasp.  That is almost more than my first computer had in only had 640

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rainy Sundays

Rainy days tend to make me sleepy, but let it be a Sunday, and I'm definately going to have a fight on my hands, to stay awake.  All the snow is finally gone, the rain just washed it all away. There is work to be done, but I'm not about to worry about it today.  Nap time is almost here. lol

Please pray for my friend, Cyndi, her son is having surgery tomorrow, and it will be a long day.  The surgery is to be about 8 hrs, but it is hopefully, his last. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A little Birdie told Me

With the snow, we have had lots of visiters at the feeders today.  I made some suet cakes, and watched them enjoying a meal.  I'm guessing that there was at least 25-30 Pine Warblers out there at any one time.  Last spring I got my first pictures  and a couple of them were almost yellow.  Today I saw mostly mossy green. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

OK, let's talk about something else

I really think you can stick a fork in it, it's done.
I hope I've got all the  emails changed and if not, then I'll reregister.

My friend's divorce is final, she hasn't been on a 'date' in several years, but she is going out on her first, this weekend.  She is a tiny bit nervous, but her friends are 'talking her through it'.

Another friend, after 4 years widowed, has met a man, and hopes he will pop the question on Valentines Day. I've yet to meet him, told her she had to let me meet him before she got real serious. Harold would probably have a fit, knowing she's not gone out, until now.  Sandy is now 56, Harold died at 53 of brain cancer.  I'm very happy for her, so are Harold's parents,  We ate lunch with them, today, and they support her completely in her decisions.

Oh well, I got off on a topic that may not be a cheerful one for some, but that's life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dang darn, dann, dingo

OK blogger, you just ate my perfectly good post.
I'm beginning to think this computer, and the other one, are haunted.

I've got most of the email on accts changed.  Today I had a wonderful experience, it seems that ebay had some glitches, and locked us out when I was changing the email acct.  Took me about 30-40 minutes on the phone with their 'help center' to get it fixed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

And she's Off!

No comments from the other side, dear sis!

I'm on day 2 of changing email addresses on accts and places that I order supplies from, regularly.
Makes me wish that that I'd stuck with dialup, NOT..
but it is a pain in the axle to try and remember all the sites I am a member of, that have that old email addy.
So far, I've got about 1/3 of them changed.
I ordered from Amazon the other day, so I can't change that one, until the 'stuff' comes in, and I make sure it is right.
The next fun thing, contacting the phone company to have that line disconnected.
You can order new service, move your service to a different address,
change all kinds of things, but, don't try to cancel service online....doesn't work.
And then there is the internet, last time I called them, I was on the line for about 15 minutes, just to order a new installation disk.
Yes, I could have downloaded it, but have you ever tried to download 5mgb of files on dialup...??
Yesterday, I downloaded a 10.4 mgb file on the new internet, in the time it takes to get to a site on the dialup.
so, once all the switch and change is done, I'm going to have fun.
Right now, dh is the only one who is enjoying the new one.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

changing email addresses

Good gosh, it is almost worse than moving, to have to notify all those places and people that you are changing email addresses.  In the 13 years that I've had internet, I've had 3 'main' email addresses, provided by internet provider.  I've never had a lot of problems with them, so I've used them for my main email...Of course I've got 3 or so hotmail addresses, a yahoo address, and then there is Gmail...which I use for my main 'non internet provider' email. I signed up for it, several year ago...Well, I needed an email for hub's paypal acct, and I decided to do the is a lot more complicated now, they even have to call and verify you are 'real' before they activate your acct. And, unlike when I signed up, it was a lot harder to find an email address that we liked that wasn't 'used.'  Maybe we should have used 'anonyamouse',    I till have a few days,before I 'undo' this internet, and havethe phone line turned off.  In that time, I'll try and get all the important ones switched...and then his downloading into  the outlook...I'll continue to check mine online.  Or have it download to the other computer...
privacy issue, you know....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Did you ever wonder

Who started the tradition of a bride wears white on her wedding day?
And has it ever crossed your mind, why a woman who has been married several times, would think it proper to wear white?
Personally, I think white is for the first time bride, a pale color or tea dyed (yes like late 60s early 70s)
 for #2, but no white.
#3 should be a little more colorful, and by the time you get to #5 and up, I'm thinking it should be tie dyed like a late 60's hippy dress.
I'm thinking of starting a new business, tie dyed, elastic waisted dresses for those who seem to get married annually, that way they can pack them away and not waste money on
new dresses with every walk down the runway.
Maybe something similar to these colors.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11th Day of 2011

Yes, we have made it 11 days into the new year, and so far nothing really really bad has happened, some bumps in the road, but nothing we are not able to handle.
I stuck my foot in my mouth once this week.  Met a guy in the grocery store that we've known for at least 23-24 years.  I asked about his wife, and he said,  "we aren't together anymore, divorce in the works"...
oops, well I didn't know, and told him that I was sorry, didn't mean to seem to be prying, but I really didn't know.  He said he knew that.  Now he lives north of us, and apparently she lives just south of us.
He and my hubs used to work for same company, and we would all go out to dinner together, occasionally. 27 years, down the drain.  Makes you think, doesn't it?

And are you thrilled that college football is over?  Personally, I'm ready for baseball, Nascar Racing, and planting things in the garden.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10, and all is well..........

If you like snow, and cold, that is.  Of course, after hearing about the north, and the digging out there, a little bit of snow isn't so bad.  You have to realize that few around here know how to drive in it though.  Heard one guy say that the entertainment today is watching people slip and slide on the hilly street in front of his house. 

Was hoping a few more would comment on the story I posted, guess I need to get out and beat the bushes for more followers.  I'm just not good at that, though.  

So, what is going on in your part of the world?  Hopefully you are warm and well fed...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8, and I'm still sane, kind of, anyway

2011 has started off pretty good, in my opinion.  Things have worked out well on everything we've tried to do, so far, which usually doesn't happen. I sent out notices of email change, and it seems most of my friends are still at the addresses I had in my book. I even made contact with a cousin who I hadn't heard from in about 4 years,when I sent out the message.  I didn't even feel the need, when he actually put fingers to keypad, and called today, to fill him in on the details with mom.  He asked, and I said she has dementia, and left it mostly there.

 Hubby and I have not disagreed about whose turn it is to use the computer at all, which is kind of surprising, and he's even offered the computer, when he thinks he's hogged, errr been there more than his share, lol.
Yes, so far, 2011 is going well, and there is only 357 days to go.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ghost in the Attic (short story)

Ghost in the Attic
I really can't remember when I first noticed the ghost. It had been several months, maybe even a year, since the first time the water pipes clanged, or the lights flickered. I'd called my neighbor, and he'd checked the pipes, drained them, when he thought it could be air in the lines, and, even checked them again, when that didn't work. Ernie is a Jack of all trades, and a confirmed bachelor. Do you remember when unmarried men were called confirmed bachelors? I'd called the Power Company, after the blinking lights for several days, and they could give no explanation. They did finally send someone out to see if there was tree limbs touching the lines anywhere, and he'd found nothing.
I woke one morning to the alarm clock clanging, which hadn't been set in months. And it was 4:00am. At first I figured it was just the result of one of the power blinks, so when it happened the next morning, at the same time, I unplugged the clock. The third morning, when it went off, I knew something was going on, especially when I found that the clock was still unplugged, and the battery back up had no battery installed.
Then there was the issue of things disappearing and then reappearing right where they were supposed to be. My car keys disappeared; they were always attached to the inside of my purse by a clip. After searching for them, I just grabbed the 2nd set of keys out of the key box, figuring that I'd accidentally left them in the car. They weren't in the car, but when I opened my purse, later in the day, there were the keys, attached to the same clip as always.
I'm guessing that about now, you are thinking that I am a little short on blood flow to my brain, that it took so long for me to decide that something was going on in my house. Ghosts usually don't have to hit you in the head with a skillet, to get your attention, if it is your attention they are wanting. But, I knew the complete history of my house. I'd been here 5 years, and in the first 4 or so years, things had been pretty calm and peaceful.
My husband had left me 6 years ago, for the big bowling alley in the sky. He passed away, while bowling in a tournament in another state. They say he had just bowled a perfect game, I guess that is a good time to go, don't you? We hadn't had the perfect marriage, whatever that is, but we had been content. Anyway, after about six months, I decided that I was tired of rattling around in the larger house, and I didn't need that much room, anymore. I put a For Sale sign out front and it sold in 10 days.
I kept a small piece of land that abutted the highway, where I'd always planned to put a small craft and hobby shop, when I retired. I quickly had a small shop built, about 800 square foot, one large room, with a bathroom, and lived in that, while deciding on the floor plan, and finding a contractor. I'd given the kids the pick of any furniture that I would no longer be using, then sold what they didn't want. I kept just enough to get by, figuring that I'd pick up a few antiques if I needed anything more, later on, when the house was finished.
I moved into the new house exactly 18 months after Carl's death. Shortly after I moved in, I went to visit Carl's 'Aunt' Ruby. She had bought and sold antiques up until she had married Carl's Uncle Herbert, which was about 20 years ago. They had been childhood sweethearts, but each had married someone else, then after 2 wives for him, and 3 husbands later for her, they had finally both been single at the same time, and had married. Hubert had recently passed away, and she was considering a move to Georgia with her son, and I was hoping to buy the big walnut sideboard that Ruby had kept, along with the Hoosier cabinet that she had in her kitchen. Even though Aunt Ruby was in her mid 80s, she was as sharp as ever.
Maybe here is where I should add a little of our history together. You've met people that you connect with immediately, haven't you? That you feel you've known forever, after about 2 meetings? Well, that was Ruby and I. We both felt it, and both were really surprised, considering the big difference in our age. I hadn't even really liked Herbert until after he married Ruby, but he was a changed man, he still enjoyed a drink or two, but he wasn't the rounder he had been, before they reconnected.
I knew Ruby believed in Spirits, and though I'd never really thought much about it, I didn't argue when she pointed out things that had happened. One day when she and Carl's sister in law was at my house, I heard my dog bark, and Ruby heard it, too. The only problem was, White-Eye, my dog, had died a week before. Ruby looked at me and said, "White Eye's barking, I thought you said he had died." I know I turned white as a sheet, as I whispered, "He did". The sister in law looked at us both as if we'd lost all our marbles and said she didn't hear a thing. Ruby told me that he may be gone, but his spirit was still with me.
I didn't end up buying either of the pieces, but I did promise to come visit more often, which I did. Then, about a year later, Ruby became ill. I really think it was more grieving for Herbert, but she didn't improve. I went to the hospital to visit, and then I went to visit her at her home, before she moved to Georgia with her son. I took her a stuffed dog, and told her I'd sprinkled some Woofle Dust on it, and it was to be her protector, while she was gone. Woofle Dust, for those who don't know, is invisible and magic, Ruby had also introduced me to it, and she had always sprinkled it on our cards when we were playing, so we would win. It didn't always work, but it was good for a laugh, and we always enjoyed our card games, even when we lost.
I managed not to cry, until I left, but in my heart, I knew it was probably my last visit with my favorite person in the whole world. Sure enough, about 10 months later, I received a call from her son, that Ruby had passed away, and he was bringing her back for burial, beside Herbert. And it seems, knowing my love for the old Hoosier Cabinet that she had kept, she had requested that it be given to me. Since it wasn't a high quality piece, both of her children had agreed, so I became the proud owner of one Hoosier Cabinet, now to get it home, from Georgia. Luckily, her son said that he would be coming back in about 4 months, to visit his granddaughter, and if I would be willing to wait, he'd bring it to me. He also told me that Ruby had kept my letters to her, and a few old photos, and a few other things that she'd requested he give to me.
The day the cabinet was delivered, I put it in the shop, knowing that I wasn't quite ready to see it in my kitchen, the memories would be still a little too fresh. The other 2 boxes, I just left to open later, when I was alone. With all that was going on, it took me about 2 months to get back to the boxes. The first held old photos, some of Carl and me, our kids, Carl's mom and dad, and all their siblings. Those, I knew, would eventually go to my kids. The second box, I had to laugh, when I opened it, there was the 'dog' that I'd sprinkled with Woofle Dust, even some letters she and Herbert had exchanged over the years, before they married. There was also some old costume jewelry, yes, Ruby knew me well, knowing my love for jewelry. It didn't matter that it had no real value, just knowing it had belonged to her, was all that mattered to me. I packed the box back up, and took it to the house, placing it in the upstairs closet, until I could decide what to do with it all.
And shortly afterward, is when the ghost started making it's presence known.
I finally got the Hoosier Cabinet moved into the kitchen, and it looks really nice in that spot. The top only has one little chip in the enamel, and a doily that was crocheted by Aunt Ruby hides that. It was in one of the drawers, when I went through them. I put some antique tins on the top, and a small flower arrangement in the center. And the ghost still played games with me, moving the tins, flowers, and even the doily on several occasions.
I still hadn't figured out what was going on, and though it wasn't frightening, it was disconcerting. Finally, one day, while looking for something, I happened to spot the box in the upstairs closet. I sorted through the letters, and picked up the doggie, intending to place it on the dresser in my room. The phone rang, and I took it to the kitchen, and set it on the doily, while I answered the phone. When I turned around, I could swear she winked at me. So, there is the story of how my ghost came down from the attic to stay.
Aunt Ruby was now home, with her Hoosier Cabinet, and as long as she is allowed to stay downstairs, she doesn't play tricks on me. I did finally move the tins, and place her on the top of the cabinet, because she tolerates children holding her only for short periods of time…. but that's a whole different story.

This is a short story that I wrote that has some true parts, and some is made up along the way.
Ruby was real, and she was a very special part of my life for about 25 years.
The stories about her are real, she definately believed in spirits, and
Pound Puppy is real, he's been a part of my life for several years. But, he never met Ruby..that is another stuffed animal, that never returned home, when she passed away.

Up and working

Our new satellite system is up and running.  I have one issue.  They set up an email and password for me.  Well, I can log into the system, but I cannot log into the email.. So I am really not sure what to do now.  I know it has a 'secret question' which I have the answer to, but, I never get that screen.
Oh well, I have 4 more email addresses to screw up. lol.  And I'll probably just use the Gmail one I already have..  The fun part is going to be switching all those site emails, you know you forget half of them, and won't be able to get to them, again.  But I'll just reregister, if I have to, when I go to buy from those companies again..
Videos actually load, and I'll check to see if  your site loads better, Nana.

Ive been sorting through email addresses, a lot I am deleting a bunch, no need to contact them, or them, me, anymore.  I sent the uncle who is a pain, a message that I no longer could be reached at 'this' email address as we no longer had internet service here.  No, he isn't getting my new address, as he'll just spam me.  lol. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new Era

After years of waiting, trying to find something that is affordable, and still being stuck with dialup internet, and at the end of the line, at that, we may be getting something that is faster than molasses in January.  I'm talking 28.8 speed, which is almost impossible, except that is all that we could get.
We will know tomorrow about noon, if it will work here.  I'm not going to hold my breath, as we've been so sure before, only to find, when they came to test, that it wouldn't work here.  The last time we had someone out, about 2 years ago, I can tell you that I was so disappointed that I cried, after they left.  That won't happen, this time, if we are stuck with this, then at least it is better than nothing,
Anyway, if all goes well, I'll post tomorrow afternoon, from my new internet.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2,

The service this morning was about starting over...No, that wasn't the topic exactly, but that is what I got out of it.  How a new year is like a clean slate, that we can write on daily, and that is how I feel about it, too. Last year started ok, but by the time we hit mid way, it had really gotten littered with a big load of  redos and won't dos, and it was just a relief to leave it behind, and start again.  My mood lifted greatly with the new years arrival.
Now, if we can make it through football season, basketball season, and into gardening season, we'll be on our way.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Here, It's Here!

Yes, it is officially here..
I know it won't be perfect,
but make of it the best you can,
live life to the fullest.